What Does DDoS Mean - What happens if someone ddos you

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What Does DDoS Mean - what happens if someone ddos you
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What Does DDoS Mean - what happens if someone ddos you
You must have heard or seen the word DDoS very often, both in the real world and the virtual world such as on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other chat-based applications such as WhatDDoSp, BBM, Line and so on.
But do you know the real definition of the actual word DDoS so that you understand how to read sentences that contain the word. The following is an explanation and meaning of the word DDoS based on the Online Computer Dictionary:
What Does DDoS Mean - what happens if someone ddos you
Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS attack is a cyber attack that is carried out by sending fake traffic on a server or system continuously, so that the server is unable to manage all traffic and causes the server or system to go down. DDoS is a very popular attack used by hackers. In addition to having many types, DDoS has a very simple concept, namely making server traffic run with a heavy load until it can no longer accommodate connections from other users (overload). One way is to send requests to the server continuously with large data transactions.
My DDoS:
Knowing a lot of vocabulary can make it easier for you to communicate and express the opinion you want to convey to certain people. Such is the explanation of the true definition of the word DDoS. Hopefully the explanation above can add to your insight and knowledge about the vocabulary. What Does DDoS Mean - what happens if someone ddos you
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